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Get yourself some siccors, stuff, string, coloring in writing instruments and pencils and other bits of pieces you find lying around the house and you're set. A new little history about papers crafts and origami. Origami originated in Japan. Ori means fold and gami or kami means document. It is the art of folding paper. Origami only uses a little number of different folds, however they can be combined in a variety of ways to make intricate designs. Origami Paper Folding > > There's no need to lay our a fortune on your kids to have fun! You can spend quality time with them right at home. Trust me these are more likely Dessin D'un Avion En Papier to remember the special times you spent together making that special paper craft than they are going out there to Disneyland or something. Paper crafts will give them a sense of achievement. Let them make something beautiful and let them enjoy your enhance. I'm hoping you will find a lot of useful paper fol